Monday, October 25, 2010


In class we watched a video about what leads to success. And the important key points which help accomplish being successful. In Richard St John’s video he interviewed successful people and asked them what they thought was an important aspect of achieving success, and lists the things that he found. His list included: passion, hard work, to be successful at something you have to be good at it, focusing yourself on one thing and striving to accomplish it, pushing yourself physically and mentally to achieve a goal, serving others something with value, ideas, and persistence. All of these things are important to keep in mind when wanting to succeed at something in life.
          The things that i believe to be most important in succeeding at something would have to include: effort and hard work, time, support, passion, dedication, access to resources, goals, sense of humor, to stay positive, to have good communication skills, commitment, a good night’s sleep, to study, and to think outside the box. Those are the important point i believe to be key when wanting to succeed at something.

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