Sunday, December 5, 2010



Rehearsal- means to repeat it to your self over and over again
Deep Processing- is when patterns start to make sense and you are thinking about that concept deeply
Elaboration- means to come up with examples and elaborate on that concept
Constructing Images- is when you use a picture to help you remember something
Organization- organizing all the information you have so that when you need to recall it, its easier for you to


Sensory- is information that doesn't last longer than a few seconds 
Short term- only lasts for about 30 seconds
Long Term- when you are relating things to what you already have in your schema, your about to hold onto it longer.


Cue Dependent-is when you give something a name so that its easier you to recall it, but when you cant remember the name you gave it you cant remember the cue
Interference Theory- is when the new information that you have learnt is taking the place of any old information, therefore its interfering with your recall
Decay Theory- is when the neural pathway has decayed because it hasn't or isn't being in use 

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